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Amanda Paterson

Insightful Podcasts for Business Owners

Two things my friends know about me:

1) I love good beer. Give me a chocolate coffee stout, and I'm one happy gal. Need to know the best microbrew in YYC (gimme a call).

2) I'm a total podcasting nerd - although this comes in handy for friends and clients who are responsible for growing their business. They know to expect random emails about the latest podcast I've listened to, and how it might help them bolster new 'biz.

I've compiled a list of my go-to podcasts at the moment. Enjoy!


HBR Ideacast - Harvard Business Review gives us a good mix of entrepreneurial topics to corporate dilemma-busting insights (usually once per week)

The Ultimate Entrepreneur with Jay Abraham - Jay took a bit of a hiatus, but is back along with Dave Asprey and the new content is on point for those running small businesses. The intros are lonnnnnnnng, but there's at least one a-ha! moment per episode. Show 46 and 47 are good listens.

I Love Marketing with Joe Polish and Dean Jackson - from 'create compelling copy that sells' to 'finding and creating breakthroughs'... this podcast is a winner!

Entrepreneur On Fire with John Lee Dumas - although JLD is a bit 'energetic' for some... many interviews are stellar and thought provoking


The Tony Robbins Podcast - I don't really need to say much about Mr. Robbins. His podcasts might just change your life. My a-ha's : 1) "How to Create Life-Changing Moments". 2) What Does It Mean To Be Bulletproof?" 3) "Ultimate Customer Experience" 4) "Talking With Titans" 5) "From the Vault: Work Class Marketing with Jay Abraham"


Ben Greenfield Fitness - He's a complete biohacker. Not for the faint of heart.


Oil & Gas This Week - a quick weekly update on the global oil and gas market; often including insights on the marketing front

Dialogues on Canadian Energy - Dennis McConaghy provides quick insights on latest energy happenings

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