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How to Infuse the Entrepreneurial Spirit Into Your Company - No Matter How Big

Amanda Paterson

So, you want to improve your company culture.

Shaking things up and creating a culture of entrepreneurship and passion may be challenging - but not impossible!

You need:

1) Support from your C-suite

2) A few leaders who are passionate about thinking differently - these people will become your new Creationists

3) To be accepting of roadblocks - not everything you try is going to be a grandios success. Every time you hit a wall, you pivot and create something even better than planned.

Some ideas:

Teach everyone in your company, about your company. Make the time to teach ALL of your employees exactly what your business does - in vivid detail. Teach them how to pitch your company. Teach them how to up-sell. What (and how) to cross-sell. And most importantly, ingrain your brand inside of these people. Make sure they know EXACTLY why your business exists and what type of client experience you wish to bestow.

  • Host a quarterly webinar for employees - select a feature topic and teach everyone something new for 30 minutes.

  • Have experts in your company teach others what they're really good at. It doesn't have to be YOU leading things all the time.

  • Bring a random assortment of employees together and engage them in a Design Thinking activity.

Make it simple for your front-line employees to contribute their ideas. You've hired these smart people for a reason and they're going to have new, creative ideas to improve your operations. They just need an opportunity to share them.

  • Get your front-line employees #s and start dialing. Have an executive make 10 phone calls per week. Call Tom from Accounting and ask the question "What can we do better at?" or "What could our company do to help you improve the service you give everyday?"

  • Create a phone number that employees can text, or use an app like WhatsApp, to let them EASILY share ideas, photos, etc. With WhatsApp, you can send push notifications too - encouraging people to send you feedback.

Be OKAY with getting social. Entrepreneurs and small businesses use social media to their advantage - to expose their culture, to talk with their customers, to LISTEN to their customers and ultimately become a recognizable, trusted brand. YOU CAN DO IT, TOO. Choose a person (or a few people) who can update and monitor your business pages.

  • Just like a first date, don't talk about yourself the whole time. Your gut reaction might be "start selling all of my products/services". Decide how you can HELP your prospective clients without them having to pay you. Then, post articles, insights, tools, etc., that they'll find valuable (and pepper in some promotional posts every now and again).

  • Start small, with just one post a week if you need to. Make a commitment to increase your activity every month/quarter.

  • No, you don't need to be on ALL social platforms. Select the ones where your Ideal Clients are active, and grow from there.

There's no 'right way' to do it, folks. 'The Way' it to TRY SOMETHING you haven't tried before.

If you're still not sold that change is a good thing, then this article wasn't for you. If you're sitting there going, 'yeah - I need this, but don't know how to start.....'

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